Sunday, March 28, 2010

my best friend-i miss you n love you still...may you have a good life dear.....

ok today i am gonna confess something.....ok not really confess but something dat i really wanna say....once i had a very good friend.we became close friends in real short time...say a n year or so....and we absolutely loved each other.both crack heads,weird,out of mind and naughty to the extent that you cant imagine.we had crush on same guy and unbelievably we both co operated with each other in the most fantastic way.....i really loved her but yes there were some horrible misunderstandings and because of this other best friend we had,i hid things from to her...i really wish i had gone according to my instincts,then i would have her still in my life as a best friend.infact i would have the 2 people i loved the most still in my life.ok ! i will quote her sentence she was actually ready to share boyfriend with me.i mean i cant imagine anyone saying that,specially nowadays when people are horribly selfish.i still roll with laughter when i think about her deeds.she was a sweetheart and i really love her and miss her and wish her all the luck for her future life and also apologise for hurting her and hiding things from her.....chutku may you have a wonderful life...!!! love you loads

1 comment:

Ashu Grover said...

"Usually the people who make the biggest impact in your life stay for the shortest time...